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All Movie Reviews Reveal the Prejudices of ___________ Author

Pride and Prejudice

Comprehensive Storyform

The following analysis reveals a comprehensive expect at the Storyform for Pride and Prejudice. Unlike most of the analysis found here—which but lists the unique private story appreciations—this in-depth study details the actual encoding for each structural item. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica Story Expert application itself equally an easily referenced contextual example.

Story Dynamics

8 of the 12 essential questions

Principal Character Resolve

Elizabeth firmly believes Mr. Darcy is the last human being in the earth she would ever marry.  Her change of heart is illustrated when he proposes for the second fourth dimension:
"If your feelings are nevertheless what they were concluding Apr, tell me so at once.  My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever."  Elizabeth . . . gave him to understand that her sentiments had undergone so material a change, since the menstruation to which he alluded, as to make her receive with gratitude and pleasure his present assurances.  (Austen 305)

Principal Character Growth

Elizabeth must discard her prejudice of Mr. Darcy.

Chief Character Approach

Elizabeth'due south trend to solve a problem is to handle it through activeness.  For example, after learning that Jane has taken sick at the neighbor estate of Netherfield Park, Elizabeth is non content to stay at abode until she is assured of her recovery.  Instead, she braves a rainstorm and lengthy journey on pes to personally tend to her sister'south health.

Primary Character Mental Sex

An case of Elizabeth using a female trouble solving technique is illustrated when she cannot fathom why Mr. Darcy would interfere with the romance between Mr. Bingley and her sister, Jane.  She looks at the issue holistically, reviewing all the possible objections he could accept against her sister and her family, every bit well as taking into account the possibility that Mr. Darcy may wish to accept his friend ally Darcy'due south younger sister, Georgiana.  Elizabeth also determines that the fine points Jane has to offering Mr. Bingley more than make up for any deficiency Mr. Darcy may have perceived.  Elizabeth is left to conclude Mr. Darcy's objections to the match "had been partly governed past this worst kind of pride, and partly by the wish of retaining Mr. Bingley for his sister" (Austen 159).

Story Commuter

Mr. Darcy's decision not to ask Elizabeth to dance at their first meeting is why she and her family unit and friends take an instant dislike to the man; Elizabeth'due south refusal of Mr. Collins' proposal gives get out for her best friend, Charlotte, to encourage his attentions; Elizabeth's decision not to reveal Wickham's true nature leads to her youngest sister committing folly; and and so forth.

Story Limit

The objective characters movement within a limited society, in which there are only so many possible marital connections one tin make.  Every bit people are paired off, choices of a spouse are narrowed.  In the instance of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, the story is forced to a climax when Elizabeth gathers all the information necessary to exonerate his character and realizes there is no other man for her but him, and he learns she cares for him, making it possible for him to propose for a second time without fear of rejection.

Story Outcome

All the principal characters' future security and happiness are bodacious.

Story Judgment

Elizabeth has overcome her prejudice of Mr. Darcy and looks forward to a happy marriage.

Overall Story Throughline

""First Impressions""

Overall Story Throughline

The objective story explores the particular social customs and manners of England's upper class in the early on nineteenth century.  An example of a social custom is voiced by Lady Catherine: "Young women should e'er exist properly guarded and attended, according to their state of affairs in life" (Austen 179).  The situation the Bennet family unit finds themselves in is, with five daughters and no male person heir, their estate is entailed to their priggish cousin Collins.  To secure their hereafter, it is necessary for the Bennet girls to marry well.

Overall Story Concern

The objective characters are concerned with their wedlock prospects.  This business organisation is illustrated by the Lucas family, afterward Mr. Collins asks for Charlotte'due south hand:
Mr. Collins' present circumstances [every bit heir to the Bennet estate] made it a most eligible match for their daughter . . . his prospects of future wealth were exceedingly fair.  Lady Lucas began directly to calculate with more than interest than the thing had ever excited before how many years longer Mr. Bennet was likely to alive . . . .The younger girls formed hopes of coming out a year or two sooner than they might otherwise accept washed; and the boys were relieved from their apprehension of Charlotte's dying an erstwhile maid.  (Austen 105-106)

Overall Story Issue

Elizabeth is certain Wickham would have called her for a wife if she were wealthy; Lady Catherine, Mr. Collins' patroness, commands him to marry a particular blazon of woman: "Cull properly, choose a gentlewoman for my sake; and for your own, let her be an active, useful sort of person . . ." (Austen 92); Once Collins introduces himself into the Bennet household, Jane becomes his "settled choice" (Austen 61), yet, a hint from Mrs. Bennet that Jane may soon be engaged to another man determines Elizabeth equally an alternative.  Colonel Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth discuss the financial and social position that allows Darcy the liberty of choice in his business organisation dealings:
"He arranges business organisation just every bit he pleases." "And if non able to delight himself in the system, he has at least great pleasure in the power of choice.  I practise non know anybody who seems more than to savor the power of doing what he likes than Mr. Darcy." (Austen 155)

Overall Story Counterpoint

Although Jane is stricken ill during her visit with the Bingley sisters, Mrs. Bennet encourages her to put off returning home from Netherfield Park, in hopes she will spend more time in courtship with Mr. Bingley; Miss Bingley is annoyed that Jane's and Elizabeth's journey home is deferred: "[she] was and so sorry that she had proposed the delay, for her jealousy and dislike of one sister much exceeded her affection for the other" (Austen 52); It is the Bennet family's business organisation that Wickham and Lydia must be plant without delay, before the young daughter's reputation is ruined forever; and so forth.

Overall Story Thematic Conflict
Pick vs.Filibuster

An example of the thematic conflict every bit it relates to option vs. filibuster is illustrated in a conversation betwixt Jane and her sis as she expresses business concern over the possibility Mr. Bingley's sisters and friends may be against their match.  Elizabeth advises that she must determine what is more important, other people'due south opinions or her love for Mr. Bingley.  Jane determines the latter, but points out ". . . if he returns no more this wintertime, my option will never exist required.  A thousand things may arise in six months!" (Austen 104)

Overall Story Problem

The Bennet girls' aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, entreats Elizabeth to guard confronting an zipper to Wickham, to which her niece replies:
". . . how tin I promise to be wiser than and so many of my fellow creatures if I am tempted, or how am I even to know that it would exist wisdom to resist?" (Austen 125); Elizabeth explains to Mr. Darcy the family crisis her youngest sister, Lydia, has put them in:
My youngest sister has left all her friends—has eloped—has thrown herself into the power of—Mr. Wickham.  They are gone off together from Brighton.  You know him too well to doubt the rest.  She has no coin, no connections, nothing that tin tempt him to—she is lost forever. (Austen 230); Mr. Collins is concerned with "how little in that location is to tempt whatsoever 1 to our humble abode" (Austen 181) as he wishes Elizabeth bye; Mr. Bennet embraces marriage with the pretty yet featherbrained Mrs. Bennet, and soon realizes they accept footling in common: "Her begetter, absorbed by youth and dazzler, and that advent of good sense of humor which youth and beauty generally requite, had married a woman whose weak understanding and illiberal mind had very early in their marriage put an end to all real affection for her" (Austen 198); In the conventionalities he will have a male heir, Mr. Bennet indulges in spending money without a care for the hereafter; and and so forth.

Overall Story Solution

Subsequently a sensible conversation with her aunt, Elizabeth assures her she will baby-sit against involving Wickham in "an amore" (Austen 124); Mr. Darcy coerces Wickham into marring Lydia thereby saving her and the Bennet family's practiced name; Elizabeth assures Mr. Collins that she had "spent half dozen weeks with smashing enjoyment; and the pleasure of being with Charlotte, and the kind attentions she had received, must make her feel the obliged" (Austen 181); Mr. Bennet reconciles himself to the fact he has married a foolish woman and uses as much forbearance as he possibly tin can with her silliness; Mr. Bennet's censor is pricked when he thinks his blood brother-in-law has paid for Lydia'south imprudence.  His conscience is cleared, however, when he learns from Elizabeth that Darcy was responsible for paying off Lydia and Wickham's debts:
"And so, Darcy did everything; made up the lucifer, gave the money, paid the beau's debts, and got him his commission!  So much the better.  It will save me a world of problem and economy.  Had it been your uncle's doing, I must and would take paid him; simply these vehement young lovers bear everything their ain way.  I shall offering to pay him tomorrow; he will bluster and storm about his love for you and there will exist an end of the affair." (Austen 315)

Overall Story Symptom

An example of how attending is focused on feeling in the objective story is depicted past Mrs. Bennet, a foolish woman who uses but her emotions to appraise how things are going, and in doing and so almost ruins her daughters' chances for a promising hereafter: "She was a adult female of mean understanding, lilliputian information, and uncertain temper.  When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous" (Austen vii).  Caroline Bingley's emotional assessment of her chances with Mr. Darcy render her quite desperate; Lydia does not stop to consider that her sister may feel left out when she is non included in the invitation to Brighton: "Wholly inattentive to her sister's feelings, Lydia flew about the house in restless ecstasy . . . laughing and talking with more than violence that ever, whilst luckless Kitty continued in the parlour repining at her fate in terms as unreasonable equally her accent was peevish" (Austen 193); Jane and Elizabeth implore their father to receive his errant daughter Lydia and her new husband: "for the sake of their sis'due south feelings and outcome" (Austen 261); and so forth

Overall Story Response

Charlotte is sensible to the fact that she is non an bonny girl and her prospects for a married man are limited.  When Elizabeth refuses Collins' proposal, Charlotte makes the most of the opportunity and sets well-nigh in a logical fashion to secure Collins for herself; Caroline Bingley attempts to win Mr. Darcy for herself past disparaging Elizabeth and her family at every turn, and encouraging her brother to enquire for Georgiana Darcy's hand reasoning "from the notion that when there has been one intermarriage, she may have less trouble in achieving a second; in which there is certainly some ingenuity. . ." (Austen 103); Kitty uses her own line of (weak) reasoning as she rails against her exclusion of the Brighton invitation: "I cannot come across why Mrs. Forster should not ask me besides as Lydia . . . though I am non her particular friend.  I have simply equally much right to be asked as she has, and more likewise, for I am 2 years older" (Austen 193); Jane and Elizabeth convince their father to receive the Wickhams after the sisters had: "urged him so earnestly, yet so rationally then mildly . . . that he was prevailed on to think as they thought, and act as they wished (Austen 261); and and then forth.

Overall Story Catalyst

Bingley is open up to the two youngest Bennet girls' entreaties for a ball.  The festivities serve to put the objective characters in close proximity with each other, moving all their relationships (for improve or worse) forrard; Lydia'south receptiveness to Wickham's plan to run off without the benefit of matrimony accelerates the objective story forrard; Darcy willingly reevaluates Elizabeth's family relations when he meets the Gardiners.  He collaborates with them to return honor to the Bennet family which increases the pace toward the climax of the story; and so forth.

Overall Story Inhibitor

Mr. Bingley, under the impression Jane Bennet does not care for him, denies his ain feelings of love for her thereby halting the progress of their relationship; Miss Bingley and Mr. Darcy, unwilling to allow go of their program to keep Bingley abroad from Jane, do non let on that she is in London and available to be chosen upon; Darcy's denial of his part in bringing Lydia and Wickham together in marriage impedes any progress between him and the Bennet family; and then forth.

Overall Story Benchmark

The current state of each Bennet daughters' courtship (or lack thereof) is how progress toward the goal of marrying for financial security is measured in the objective story.

Additional Overall Story Information →
Overall Story Throughline Synopsis

Barrons' Booknotes synopsis:
In the neighborhood of the Bennet family unit's estate of Longbourn, Mr. Bingley, an bonny young available with a skilful income, has moved into the nearby manor.  He falls in love with the oldest of the five Bennet daughters, Jane.  But his friend, wealthy and aloof Mr. Darcy, disapproves of Bingley's choice.  Darcy considers the Bennet family to be socially inferior, and he plots with Bingley's sisters to carve up the lovers.  Meanwhile, though, Darcy is finding it difficult to resist his own increasing allure to Jane's adjacent younger sister, the vivacious Elizabeth.
Because Mr. Bennet has no son, his estate will exist inherited by his nearest male relative, Mr. Collins.  This pompous chaplain comes to Longbourn seeking a married woman.  He proposes to Elizabeth, who rejects him—even though marrying him would be the 1 way to go on Longbourn in the family unit.  But he wins her all-time friend, Charlotte Lucas, a plain young woman who marries Collins to escape from spinsterhood into a condom, if loveless, marriage.
The story continues with an interweaving of plot and subplots.  During her travels with the Gardiners, Elizabeth receives bad news from Longbourn: The youngest Bennet girl, empty-headed sixteen-yr-one-time Lydia, has run away with Wickham.  Such a scandal must disgrace the whole family unit, and Elizabeth decides that now, just every bit her feelings toward Darcy take begun to alter, any hope of his renewing his proposal is lost forever.
But non and then. Darcy feels partially responsible for Lydia's elopement; he feels he should accept warned the Bennets that Wickham once tried the aforementioned thing with Darcy'south own sister.  Too, he is very much in love with Elizabeth.  For her sake he searches out the fugitive couple, makes sure that they are legally married, pays Wickham'due south debts, and buys him a commission in the army.  All this he does secretly.  But, though sworn to secrecy, Lydia reveals Darcy's office in her rescue—and Elizabeth realizes at concluding how wrong she'due south been about him all along.
Bingley, with Darcy's encouragement, proposes to Jane and is accepted.  Soon Darcy makes his proposal again to Elizabeth. By at present she has abandoned her prejudice and he has subdued his pride, and so they are married and all ends happily.

Overall Story Backstory

In her critical evaluation of Pride and Prejudice, Catherine E. Moore gives an insight to how things have come to the state they are in as the objective story begins:
The original title, Offset Impressions, focuses upon the initial errors of judgment from which the story develops, whereas the title Pride and Prejudice . . . indicates the central conflict involving the kinds of pride and prejudice which bar the marriages of Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy and Jane Bennet and Bingley, but bring almost the marriages of Charlotte Lucas and Collins and Lydia Bennet and Wickham. . . . individual conflicts are defined and resolved within a rigidly delimiting social context, in which human being relationships are determined by wealth and rank (5310).

Main Grapheme Throughline

Elizabeth Bennet — 2nd of five daughters; her father's favorite

Main Grapheme Throughline

Elizabeth dashes headlong into any problem she feels requires her attention—which arise, for the most office, out of her sisters' and friends' love lives.  Static is created in the Bennet household equally Elizabeth endeavors to detect the perfect friction match for herself in marriage.  Her flirtation with Wickham causes business for her aunt; Charlotte reproves her friend's shortsightedness in disregarding Mr. Darcy and encouraging Wickham; her decision to refuse Collins' proposal of marriage divides her parents and particularly incenses her mother:
"I have washed with you from this very day. . . .I should never speak to you again, and you will find me every bit skillful as my word.  I have no pleasure in talking to undutiful children." (Austen 98)

Primary Graphic symbol Concern

Elizabeth is concerned with attaining the kind of matrimony that volition permit her to retain her individuality.

Main Character Issue

Elizabeth puts far more energy into doing what is best for others rather than what is best for herself.  She is deeply involved in helping Jane and Mr. Bingley unite; she halts her holiday to exist at her family's side when she hears of Lydia's misconduct and the hurting it is causing her family unit, when Wickham discards Elizabeth for a woman of financial ways, she supports his desertion understanding he must look out for himself:
The sudden acquisition of 10 one thousand pounds was the most remarkable charm of the immature lady, to whom he was at present rendering himself agreeable; but Elizabeth . . . did non quarrel with him for his wish of independence. . . .she was gear up to let information technology a wise and desirable mensurate for both, and could very sincerely wish him happy. (Austen 129)

Main Character Counterpoint

In all her altruistic endeavors, Elizabeth is non without a affect of narcissism as evidenced in a chat with Jane: ". . . that is the i great difference betwixt united states.  Compliments always take you by surprise, and me never" (Austen xiv).

Principal Character Thematic Disharmonize
Morality vs.Self-Interest

As 1 result of Elizabeth's personal growth, she considers the conflict between morality and self interest in observing her male parent as a function model for a husband and parent:
Elizabeth . . . had never been blind to the venial of her father's behaviour as a husband.  She had always seen it with pain; only respecting his abilities, and grateful for his affectionate treatment of herself, she endeavored to forget what she could not overlook, and to blackball from her thoughts that continual alienation of conjugal obligation and decorum which . . .was so reprehensible.  But she had never felt then strongly every bit now the disadvantages which must attend the children of so unsuitable a marriage, nor ever been so fully aware of the evils arising from so sick-judged a direction of talents . . . which rightly used might at least have preserved the respectability of his daughters, fifty-fifty if incapable of enlarging the mind of his wife. (Austen 198)

Main Character Problem

Elizabeth indulges in her commencement impressions, specially because she is and then ofttimes right. As an example, she is so taken by the pleasant countenance of Mr. Wickham, that she believes everything he says (specially against Mr. Darcy) to exist true.

Chief Graphic symbol Solution

One time Elizabeth realizes she is somewhat mistaken in her understanding of people based on first impressions, she is able to forbear indulging in prejudice, as Weinsheimer points out in his essay:  "Wickham'due south knavery teaches Elizabeth to 'depict no limits in the future to the impudence of an impudent human being.'" (24)

Chief Graphic symbol Symptom

Equally an example of how Elizabeth's attention is focused on atheism, she refuses to accept Miss Bingley's, Mr. Bingley's, and Mr. Darcy'due south unanimous opinion that Wickham is a shady character.

Organized religion
Main Character Response

An example of how Elizabeth'south faith in herself intensifies in reaction to unsolicited and unwelcome opinions is illustrated when she refuses to have Lady Catherine's admonishment to give up Darcy:
"I am only resolved to deed in that manner which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to whatsoever person and so wholly unconnected to me" (Austen 298).

Main Character Unique Ability

Elizabeth defies putting on the demure manners imposed upon young ladies of her solar day.  Instead she uses her wit and intelligence to say and practice what she thinks.  This approach attracts her to the correct man that will brand her happy in spousal relationship.

Main Character Critical Flaw

Elizabeth's endeavor to help herself and her sisters attain the goal of a future secured by celebrated and happy marriages is severely undermined by her tacit agreement not to reveal Wickham's truthful nature to her family and community.  This pledge opens Lydia upward to the temptation of running off with the bastard (which she does) and results in Elizabeth's imagined loss of influence over Darcy:
"When I consider . . . that I might have prevented it!—I who knew what he was.  Had I but explained some part of information technology only—some part of what I learned to my ain family!  Had his graphic symbol been known, this could non accept happened". . . .Darcy made no answer. . .Elizabeth before long observed, and instantly understood it.  Her ability was sinking; everything must sink under such a proof of family weakness, such an assurance of the deepest disgrace. (Austen 230)

Chief Character Benchmark

Every bit Elizabeth experiences more of the exterior world, she is able to gain more cognition of herself:  A pregnant learning experience is described in Act three:
"How humiliating is this discovery . . . had I been in beloved, I could not accept been more wretchedly blind.  But vanity, non beloved, has been my folly.  Pleased with the preference of one, and offended by the neglect of the other, on the very beginning of our acquaintance I have courted prepossession and ignorance, and driven reason away, where either were concerned.  Till this moment I never knew myself." (Austen 176)

Boosted Main Character Information →
Main Character Description

Intelligent and spirited with exceptionally "fine optics" (Austen 25).  "Elizabeth'south celebrated liveliness is vigorously physical too, verging sometimes on unladylike athleticism. . . .she likewise runs, jumps, springs, and rambles" (Johnson 1988).

Chief Character Throughline Synopsis

Every bit stated by Moore:
Elizabeth begins by rejecting the values and restraints of society, as represented past such people as her mother, the Lucases, Miss Bingley, and Lady Catherine, upholding instead the claims of the individual, represented only by her whimsical father.  By the terminate of the novel, the centre of her conflict appears in the contrast between her father and Darcy.  Loving her father, she has tried to overlook his lack of decorum in conjugal matters.  The implicit comparison between Mr. Bennet's and Darcy's approach to matrimony points up their different methods of dealing with social club'southward restraints. . . .Her marriage to Darcy is in a sense a triumph of the individual over society; but, paradoxically, Elizabeth achieves her almost genuine conquest of pride and prejudice only after she has accepted the full social value of her judgment that "to exist the mistress of Pemberley [Darcy'southward manor] might be something!"  . . . without evading Elizabeth's capitulation to society, it [the novel] affirms the vitality, the independent life which is possible at least to an Elizabeth Bennet. (5311-5313)

Main Character Backstory

In her critical evaluation of Pride and Prejudice, Catherine Eastward. Moore gives an insight to how things accept come up to the state they are in every bit the main character story begins:
As the central character, Elizabeth, her male parent'due south favorite child and her mother'south least favorite, must come to terms with the conflicting values implicit in her parents' antithetical characters.  She is similar her father in her scorn of lodge'south conventional judgments, merely she champions the concept of individual merit contained of money and rank.  (5311)

Influence Grapheme Throughline

Mr. Darcy — Proud and wealthy aristocrat

Influence Character Throughline

Mr. Darcy makes an impact on those around him past the way he thinks and what is thought about him.  He explains himself to Elizabeth and the others in a conversation at Netherfield Park:
"Only it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which oft expose a strong understanding to ridicule. . . .vanity is a weakness indeed.  But pride-where at that place is a real superiority of listen, pride volition exist always under skilful regulation. . . .I take faults plenty, but they are not, I promise, of understanding.  My temper I dare not vouch for.  It is . . . a likewise little yielding—certainly too piffling for the convenience of the globe.  I cannot forget the follies and vices of others as shortly every bit I ought, nor their offenses against myself.  My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to motility them.  My atmosphere would perhaps be called resentful.  My good opinion once lost is lost for e'er." (Austen l-51)
Elizabeth remarks on his disagreeable nature to Wickham:
"'He is not at all liked in Hertfordshire.  Everybody is disgusted with his pride.  You will not find him more favourably spoken of by any one'" (Austen 67).

Influence Character Business organization

For Elizabeth's sake, Mr. Darcy is concerned with transforming his proud nature to one that is kind and considerate, and capable of making her happy.

Influence Character Consequence

Darcy takes his responsibilities seriously: "Darcy's pride is real, but is regulated by responsibleness" (Moore 5312).

Influence Character Counterpoint

In one case Darcy makes a commitment, he sticks with information technology regardless of his personal feelings.  An example of this is how he treats Wickham afterwards marrying into the Bennet family: "Though Darcy could never receive him at Pemberley, yet, for Elizabeth's sake he assisted him farther in his profession" (Austen 323).

Influence Character Thematic Conflict
Responsibility vs.Commitment

Mr. Darcy is an extremely responsible individual.  That he prides himself on this trait is off-putting to those who do non know him well.  It is when he evidences his commitment that he garners admiration and respect.

Influence Graphic symbol Problem

Based on his assumption that Jane'due south feelings for Mr. Bingley are superficial and insincere, Mr. Darcy obstructs the relationship between the 2 by convincing his friend to quit Netherfield Park; Wickham's reports that Darcy has impeded all his efforts to make something of himself strengthens the already negative impression Hertfordshire has of the proud aristocrat.

Influence Graphic symbol Solution

Mr. Darcy makes apology to Jane and Mr. Bingley by admitting to his friend the part he played in undermining their relationship:
"I made a confession to him, which I believe I ought to accept fabricated long ago.  I told him of all that had occurred to make my one-time interference in his affairs cool and impertinent . . . I told him, moreover, that I believed myself mistaken in supposing . . . that your sis was indifferent to him; and as I could easily perceive that his attachment to her was unabated, I felt no dubiety of their happiness together." (Austen 309)
Mr. Darcy assists in the saving of Lydia Bennet's, and therefore the Bennet family's, reputation by ensuring that Wickham marries the girl; and then forth.

Influence Character Symptom

The sentiments Mr. Darcy expresses in his matrimony proposal to Elizabeth puts her into a tailspin of emotions.

Influence Grapheme Response

In reply to Elizabeth's accusations against his grapheme, Mr. Darcy writes a letter that provides a reasonable account of all his actions, thus forcing her to realize she had severely misjudged him.

Influence Character Unique Power

Mr. Darcy fabricates many excuses to see Elizabeth, but maddeningly does non repeat his annunciation of love.  This circumstance compels her to thank him for his part in saving her sister's reputation, which likewise serves as an apology for her past prejudice of him:
Now was the moment for her resolution to be executed, and while her courage was loftier, she immediately said, "I can no longer help thanking you for your unexampled kindness . . . I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel information technology" (Austen 304).

Influence Graphic symbol Critical Flaw

The first impression people receive from Mr. Darcy's proud demeanor is a negative ane, then much so that sure acquaintances are unwilling to reevaluate this impression and make an effort to sympathize the man.

Influence Character Benchmark

As, over time, the original ideas Mr. Darcy entertains on social position change, he is able to transform his proud nature.

More Influence Character Information →
Influence Character Description

Tall, nighttime, and handsome—with an income over ten,000 pounds per year

Influence Character Throughline Synopsis

Barrons' Booknotes:
Darcy'southward graphic symbol gradually unfolds in the course of the story.  He takes Elizabeth'southward criticism of him to heart—makes an effort to curb his pride and judge people according to what they actually are, non only by their rank in society.  He demonstrates this modify past his politeness and then his growing friendship with Elizabeth's aunt and uncle, the Gardiners, even though Mr. Gardiner is "in merchandise."  The gradual revelation and development of Darcy's character—from pride to generosity and gentleness—is one of the strengths of the novel.

Influence Character Backstory

Mr. Darcy's ancient family name, magnificent manor, and sizable fortune all contribute to his pride.  But there's another side to his character.  He is a generous main to his servants and tenants and a loving blood brother to his young sister Georgiana (Barrons' Booknotes).  He grew up with Wickham, the son of Mr. Darcy's male parent'due south steward and a great favorite of the tardily Mr. Darcy.  Although he tried to exercise correct past his father's wishes for Wickham, the steward's son proved to be a wastrel.  Mr. Darcy is the best friend of Mr. Bingley.  As Bingley is apt to be as well pleasant and easily falls in dearest, Mr. Darcy feels it is his responsibility to baby-sit over his friend's heart.  Mr. Darcy places tremendous importance on being a gentleman.

Relationship Story Throughline

""Pride Goeth Before Fall""

Relationship Story Throughline

Because of his wealth and social standing, Mr. Darcy is predisposed to disdain Elizabeth and her family; though in his same legal course, they are certainly not also-to-do.  His aloof position has created an arrogance that is immediately felt by Elizabeth at their starting time coming together when he refuses to enquire her to dance.  Elizabeth is insulted by his snub, and this get-go bad impression provides the impetus for her fixed attitude against him: "'. . . I could hands forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine'" (Austen 19).

Relationship Story Concern

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy each present a subconscious claiming to the other to explore their basic drives and desires.  As Margaret Drabble comments:
Nosotros have trivial doubt, from their first meeting, that they will finally be brought together, for the convention of trigger-happy antipathy that turns to dear is nearly as stiff every bit the convention of honey at first sight. . . (vii)

Relationship Story Issue

Mr. Darcy aspires to go Elizabeth's married man, fifty-fifty though she has flatly rejected his wedlock proposal; Elizabeth desires to marry Darcy, but fears he would never ask for her mitt over again after her rejection of him: ". . . never had she and then honestly felt that she could have loved him as at present, when all beloved must be in vain" (Austen 230).

Relationship Story Counterpoint

Mr. Darcy is confident his desire to marry Elizabeth will be reciprocated:
He concluded with representing to her the strength of that attachment which, in spite of all his endeavors, he had found impossible to conquer; and with expressing his hope that it would now exist rewarded past her credence of his hand. (Austen 162)

Relationship Story Thematic Conflict
Dream vs.Hope

Dream is given much more play than hope in the subjective story.  Although not of the same social status, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy move in the same social milieu, creating a reasonable hope that the two might come together.  However, their hostile beginning quashes all hope, and a happy relationship for the two is an unlikely event.

Relationship Story Trouble

Mr. Darcy's careless response to Mr. Bingley'south suggestion that he inquire Elizabeth to dance is the beginning of his and Elizabeth's volatile human relationship; Darcy is further heedless in what he says in his wedlock proposal to Elizabeth, creating an (nearly) irrevocable alienation between them.

Relationship Story Solution

In one case Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy behave themselves and their relationship with open minds and hearts, they accept each other and embrace their futurity happiness as a married couple.

Relationship Story Symptom

Elizabeth'due south feeling run loftier on the subject of Mr. Darcy—she despises him.  Darcy, despite himself, is quite attracted to the immature lady.  This point is illustrated when Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth:
"My feelings will not be repressed.  You lot must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and dear you."  Elizabeth's astonishment was beyond expression.  She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent.  This he considered sufficient encouragement, and the avowal of all that he felt and had long felt for her immediately followed.  He spoke well, but at that place were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed, and he was not more eloquent on the field of study of tenderness than of pride. (Austen 160)

Relationship Story Response

Elizabeth reasons her start impression of Darcy and the infamous stories she hears about him draw a true film of his character; Darcy reasons he should not fall in love with a young lady that is socially beneath him.

Relationship Story Catalyst

Darcy's letter to Elizabeth answers the accusations she has made against him compelling her to see him in a new calorie-free; Mrs. Gardiner's explanation of how Darcy resolved the scandal of Lydia and Wickham furthers the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth.

Relationship Story Inhibitor

Mr. Darcy's initial airtight minded mental attitude toward marriage to a woman whose status is below his own, impedes the relationship between Elizabeth and himself.  When, in spite of himself, Mr. Darcy falls in honey and first proposes to Elizabeth, she makes clear that the prejudices she holds against him halt any happy future relationship they might take:
"From the very beginning, from the first moment, I may virtually say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners impressing me with the fullest conventionalities of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such equally to class that groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have congenital so immovable dislike; and I had not known yous a month before I felt that yous were the last man in the world whom I could e'er be prevailed on to marry." (Austen 164)

Relationship Story Benchmark

As fourth dimension passes, the gap betwixt Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy narrows as, in spite of her family, Mr. Darcy contemplates spousal relationship to Elizabeth and she considers new data on Darcy that puts him in a favorable light.

Additional Relationship Story Information →
Relationship Story Throughline Synopsis

Barrons' Booknotes synopsis:
Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy because he seems and so proud and complacent. She likewise suspects that he has interfered between Jane and Bingley.  She is even more put off when she hears that Darcy has treated a immature human being, George Wickham, cruelly and unjustly.  Wickham tells her that Darcy has denied him the inheritance that his godfather, Darcy's father, left him.  Wickham courts Elizabeth, and his skillful looks, mannerly manners, and story of injustice at Darcy's hands win her sympathy and deepens her prejudice against Darcy.
Elizabeth visits Charlotte, now Mrs. Collins.  Darcy visits his aunt, Lady Catherine, who is Mr. Collins's patron.  Darcy and Elizabeth meet constantly, and at concluding he proposes to her, maxim with more than honesty than tact that he does this against his better judgment.  She angrily rejects him, accusing him of destroying Jane's happiness and Wickham's legitimate prospects.  Later, in an earnest letter, he tells her the truth on both counts: he did interfere between Jane and Bingley, only he did not treat Wickham unjustly.  In fact, he says, Wickham is a thoroughly bad character.  Elizabeth believes Darcy for once, and her prejudice confronting him begins to weaken.
Elizabeth travels with her aunt and uncle, the Gardiners.  They come to Darcy's magnificent estate in his absence and are shown through the house.  His housekeeper praises him for his goodness and generosity, painting a very different pic of him from the one Elizabeth has had.  Suddenly and unexpectedly, Darcy himself arrives.  Elizabeth is mortified to exist found in that location, simply he is full of courtesy to the Gardiners and very attentive to Elizabeth.
Once Elizabeth is aware of the part Darcy has played in Lydia and Wickham'due south union, she realizes how wrong she has been nigh him.  Soon Darcy makes his proposal again to Elizabeth.  By at present she has abandoned her prejudice and he has subdued his pride, and and then they are married and all ends happily.

Human relationship Story Backstory

In her critical evaluation of Pride and Prejudice, Catherine Eastward. Moore gives an insight to how things have come to the state they are in as the subjective story begins:
She [Elizabeth] is like her father in her scorn of society's conventional judgments, simply she champions the concept of individual merit contained of coin and rank.  She is, indeed, prejudiced against the prejudices of lodge.  From this premise she attacks Darcy'due south pride, assuming that it derives from the causes that Charlotte Lucas identifies: " . . . with family, fortune, every matter in his favor . . . .he has a correct to be proud."
. . . Significantly, it is Darcy who warns her against prejudicial conclusions, reminding her that her experience is quite limited. . . . it is only when she begins to move into Darcy'southward world that she can approximate with true discrimination both the individual merit and the dictates of lodge which she has rejected.  Fundamentally honest, she revises her conclusions as new experiences warrant. . . (5311)

Additional Story Points

Cardinal Structural Appreciations

Overall Story Goal

A futurity bodacious with marital success for the Bennet daughters, in item Jane, Elizabeth, and Lydia, is the goal of mutual business concern for the main characters.

Overall Story Outcome

In a applied sense, the issue of the Bennet daughters not marrying well will result in a struggle for survival, as upon their father'southward demise they will be destitute.  Emotionally, if the young ladies live their future out as spinsters, their hearts will be broken.  Mrs. Bennet constantly reminds the reader of the consequences of failing to reach the goal, every bit underscored past Evans in Drabble's introduction of the novel:
If Mrs. Bennet is slightly crazy, then possibly she is so because she perceives, more conspicuously than her married man, the possible fate of her daughters if they do not marry . . . Given that she has five daughters, it is trivial wonder that at times Mrs. Bennet is less than rational. (xi)

Overall Story Cost

For the sake of the Bennet family, Mr. Darcy overcomes his dislike of Wickham and forces the scoundrel to marry Lydia.  The cost Mr. Darcy pays (literally and figuratively) to assistance the Bennet family is steep, for once the detested Wickham marries Lydia, he becomes a brother-in-law to Elizabeth and (subsequently their marriage) Mr. Darcy.

Overall Story Dividend

While attempting to make good marriages that will secure their future, certain dividends are achieved, especially in the form of invitations.  Jane is invited to stay in London to ease her broken middle; Lydia obtains an invitation from a colonel's married woman to summer at Brighton embankment, making herself bachelor to the unattached members of the militia regiment; Elizabeth is invited to stay at Charlotte and Mr. Collins' domicile, as well as to travel with the Gardiners; and and then forth.

Overall Story Requirements

The present state of affairs requires the Bennet daughters to ally well:
Mr. Bennet's property consisted near entirely in an manor of ii g a year, which unfortunately for his daughters, was entailed in default of heirs male person, on a afar relation; and their mother's fortune, although ample for her situation in life, could but ill supply the deficiency of his. (Austen 25)

Overall Story Prerequisites

The circumstances that cause an entailment on the Bennet estate are such that Mr. Bennet'due south father must consider only males worthy of an inheritance.

Overall Story Preconditions

To keep the Longbourn manor in the care of males, Mr. Bennet's male parent comes up with the idea to entail his son's estate to Mr. Collins if he does non produce whatsoever male heirs.

Overall Story Forewarnings

The Bennet family unit learns that Wickham has no intention of marrying Lydia; he will bed her thus ruining her reputation forever and eliminating whatever take chances of her acquiring a decent husband; Jane learns Mr. Bingley has no intention of returning to Netherfield, drastically reducing opportunities for their romance to flourish; When Mrs. Bennet learns Elizabeth has turned down Mr. Collins' offer of marriage she cries:
But I tell you what, Miss Lizzy, if you take it into your head to become on refusing every offer of union in this way, you will never get a husband at all—and I am sure I do not know who is to maintain you lot when your male parent is expressionless.  I shall not be able to keep you—and so I warn you lot. (Austen 98)

Plot Progression

Dynamic Human action Appreciations

Overall Story

Overall Story Signpost one

It is established that after Mr. Bennet'south death, his estate will be passed on to a distant male person relative, leaving his daughters destitute if they do not marry.  Other immature ladies in the neighborhood are in want of a "expert catch" in item, Elizabeth's best friend Charlotte Lucas.  It is with great excitement then, when the rich and unattached Mr. Bingley moves into the tiny customs because, "Information technology is a truth universally acknowledged that a unmarried man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" (Austen 5).

Overall Story Journeying i from Present to Progress

The mutual attraction that develops between Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley indicates he soon may ask for her paw in wedlock.  The progress of their relationship, however, is halted when Mr. Bingley and his party move on to London.

Overall Story Signpost ii

The manner the Bennet daughters' and Charlotte Lucas' romances are proceeding is explored in Act two.

Overall Story Journey 2 from Progress to Past

Charlotte discusses how a romance should proceed, using Jane and Mr. Bingley as an example:
". . .though Bingley and Jane meet tolerably often, it is never for many hours together; and as they always run into each other in large mixed parties, it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together.  Jane should therefore make the most of every half hour in which she can command his attention.  When she is secure of him, there volition be leisure for falling in beloved as much equally she chooses." (Austen 20); The minor advancement toward achieving the goal of a future secured through the Bennet daughters' marrying well is put firmly in the past with Elizabeth's refusal of Collins' proposal, and the Bingley party's evacuation from Netherfield Park.

Overall Story Signpost 3

Mr. Collins is not content to leave Elizabeth'southward rejection of his marriage proposal in the past.  When she visits the curate and Charlotte, he takes every opportunity to show her what he believes she is missing; Mrs. Gardiner wants to tour Pemberley, the Darcy estate she knew in her youth with Mr. Gardiner and Elizabeth; Elizabeth pores over the lot of Jane'due south letters to see if there is "any revival of by occurrences" (Austen 159).

Overall Story Journey 3 from By to Future

Jane'south and Mr. Bingley's past is revived as they over again come up into contact with each other, leaving no dubiety as to their future together:
His behavior to her sister was such during dinnertime, as showed an adoration of her, which . . . persuaded Elizabeth that if left wholly to himself, Jane's happiness, and his ain, would apace exist secured (Austen 283).

Overall Story Signpost 4

The future is settled for the Bennet girls.  Jane and Mr. Bingley are married as are Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy and Lydia and Mr. Wickham.  Kitty's social graces improve with her many visits to her 2 elder sister's homes, making her more eligible for a decent wedlock.  Mary is also obliged into society as her mother's companion, making it possible for her to meet potential suitors.

Primary Character

Main Graphic symbol Signpost ane

Elizabeth believes herself to have a great understanding of grapheme.

Primary Character Journey 1 from Understanding to Doing

As Elizabeth becomes more personally involved in the courting process, her power to fully cover the words and actions of those around her lessens.  Peterson notes the approval Elizabeth bestows upon Wickham'due south activeness of voluntarily absenting himself from the brawl, without realizing he had said earlier he would not avert Darcy on any occasion, shows her prejudice has prevented her from reaching some very obvious conclusions (22).

Main Character Signpost 2

In Act 2, Elizabeth engages in matters of the heart.  She counsels Jane and Charlotte on romance; she endeavors to convince Mr. Collins that she does non wish to go his wife; she surprises herself into dancing with Darcy at the brawl; she flirts with Wickham; and then forth.

Main Graphic symbol Journeying 2 from Doing to Obtaining

Elizabeth's travels and participation in various societal entertainments makes it possible for her to glean pertinent information regarding Wickham, Darcy, and even her family.

Chief Character Signpost 3

Without too much regret, Elizabeth loses Wickham to another young lady of greater financial means:
"His credible partiality had subsided, his attentions were over, he was the admirer of someone else.  Elizabeth was watchful enough to meet it all . . . .Her heart had been simply slightly touched . . . " (Austen 129).

Principal Character Journeying 3 from Obtaining to Learning

Afterward possessing all the facts apropos Wickham and Darcy, and attaining a clear picture of her family, Elizabeth has gathered the necessary information to review her own pride and prejudices.

Main Character Signpost 4

Elizabeth learns what the Pemberley estate is similar:
Elizabeth was delighted.  She had never seen a place for which nature had washed more, or where natural beauty had been so little counteracted past an awkward taste (Austen 203).

Influence Character

Influence Graphic symbol Signpost 1

Mr. Darcy cannot imagine dancing with any of the immature ladies at the ball that are new to his acquaintance, giving rise to his reputation every bit a proud, cold homo; to accommodate to his thought of what an achieved young lady is, the adult female must:
". . . have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, all the modernistic languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a sure something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions . . . and to all this she must even so add something more than substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading." (Austen 35)

influence Character Journey one from Conceptualizing to Existence

Mr. Darcy'south refusal to ask any of the young ladies to dance at the ball determines to the Hertfordshire society what kind of human he is.  His reputation to be proud and cold exacerbates with subsequent interactions with the locals, Mrs. Bennet in particular.

Influence Character Signpost 2

Wickham begins his account of Darcy's malicious and inhumane treatment of him by bitterly remarking:
"The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence, or frightened by his high and imposing manners, and sees him only as he chooses to be seen" (Austen 67).

Influence Character Journeying 2 from Being to Becoming

Mr. Darcy assiduously works on overcoming his function equally a proud blueblood to a most affable admirer.

Influence Character Signpost 3

Mr. Darcy must give upwards his pride in order to propose marriage to a young lady that is not of his same social standing; after Miss Bennet's rejection of his spousal relationship proposal, he writes a letter explaining his past actions, which begins his transformation from an arrogant blueblood to a true admirer.

Influence Character Journey 3 from Becoming to Conceiving

Every bit Mr. Darcy becomes a truthful gentleman, he conceives of how he can assist the Bennet family unit and win Elizabeth's heart.

Influence Grapheme Signpost four

The woman who had raised Darcy from the fourth dimension he was four, gives her business relationship of Darcy's nature, providing Elizabeth and the Gardiners with a much different notion of him than they had surmised from their ain original impressions and others' reports:
"The citation bestowed on him past Mrs. Reynolds was of no trifling nature. . . .Every thought that had been brought forward by the housekeeper was favorable to his character" (Austen 208).

Relationship Story

Relationship Story Signpost 1

Elizabeth commits to memory how, at their offset meeting, Mr. Darcy snubbed her.  Their subsequent interactions are filled with misunderstandings based upon this recollection.

Human relationship Story Journeying ane from Retentiveness to Preconscious The impact of Elizabeth's and Darcy's first come across differs. Elizabeth commits to retentivity the disparaging comments he makes and his refusal to dance with her. When her mother advises her not to dance with him in the future, Elizabeth replies, "'I believe, Ma'am, I may safely promise yous never to dance with him'" (Austen 18). Darcy revises his commencement impression of Elizabeth and sets nigh acquainting himself with her. When he asks her to trip the light fantastic toe, she is and then surprised she unthinkingly accepts.
Relationship Story Signpost 2

While at the ball, Elizabeth reflexively accepts Mr. Darcy's invitation to trip the light fantastic with her:
When those dances were over she returned to Charlotte Lucas, and was in conversation with her when she constitute herself all of a sudden addressed by Mr. Darcy, who took her so much by surprise in his application for her hand that, without knowing what she did, she accepted him.  He walked abroad once more immediately, and she was left to fret over her own want of presence of mind. . . (Austen 78).

Relationship Story Journey ii from Preconscious to Subconscious

As Elizabeth and Darcy's human relationship develops, they are able to relax more around each other and take each other'southward mensurate.  For Darcy, this means falling in love.  Elizabeth all the same resents him and holds onto her desire for his comeuppance.

Relationship Story Signpost iii

During her visit with Charlotte and Collins, Darcy often seeks out Elizabeth prompting Mrs. Collins to exclaim: "'My love Eliza he must be in love with you, or he would never have called on us in this familiar way'" (Austen 153).  Elizabeth attributes his strange beliefs to having nothing better to do (Peterson 28) and thus is quite surprised when he proposes union.

Relationship Story Journeying 3 from Subconscious to Conscious

Although Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy love each other, there are still obstacles to take into consideration before resolving their problem.

Relationship Story Signpost iv

Elizabeth contemplates how she might have been mistress of Pemberley if she hadn't rejected Darcy; after her confrontation with Lady Catherine, Elizabeth is sensible to the fact Darcy may accept into consideration his aunt's vehement feelings confronting matrimony to i that is below him in social position:
If he had been wavering earlier as to what he should practice, which had ofttimes seemed likely, the communication and entreaty of so near a relation might settle every doubt. . .(Austen 300)

Plot Progression Visualizations

Dynamic Human action Schematics

Os: MC: IC: RS:
