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Geoffrey Bache Smith Poetry Book



Feb 22, 2021, 6:34:22 AM Feb 22

to Standard Ebooks

A lovely little collection of poems edited (mainly just compiled, really), by Smith's good friend J.R.R Tolkien.

It is short though, around 10k words.

Alex Cabal


Feb 22, 2021, 9:36:37 AM Feb 22




Feb 22, 2021, 9:44:19 AM Feb 22

to Standard Ebooks

Alex Cabal


Feb 22, 2021, 9:54:11 AM Feb 22


OK, this is slightly more complicated than what we would normally do for
a first production but since it's so short, let's give it a shot.

Keep the dedication and JRRT's note, but cut all the other frontmatter.
Since there's frontmatter, you'll add a half title. JRRT has divided the
work into "books" you'll have a nested structure for that; check the
manual for examples.

Each poem will go in an <article> element instead of a <section>. For
examples of poetry book formatting, see Robert Frost on the SE site.
Remember to remove all caps from the first word of each poem.

Make sure to read the Standard Ebooks Manual of Style before starting,
as you won't know what to fix if you haven't read the standards. In
particular, please closely review the semantics, high level patterns,
and typography sections:

The step by step guide will take you from start to finish:

Please email often if you have any questions at all. Our standards are
well-established so there is probably already a standard for formatting
whatever problem you've encountered.

When you're ready, email back with a link to your Github repository so
that I can mark you as having started.

Have fun! :)

> <>.



Feb 22, 2021, 10:27:21 AM Feb 22

to Standard Ebooks

Sounds good! FYI, this isn't my first production (did Mill's The Subjection of Women)

Alex Cabal


Feb 22, 2021, 10:31:08 AM Feb 22




Feb 25, 2021, 11:46:56 AM Feb 25

to Standard Ebooks

Alex, FYI: create-draft (toolset 1.9.0) is throwing this error:

Couldn't parse Project Gutenberg ebook source. This is usually due to invalid HTML in the ebook.



Feb 25, 2021, 12:54:26 PM Feb 25

to Standard Ebooks

That's almost certainly a problem with the PG source, i.e. "invalid HTML." I had that problem on a book awhile ago; I had to download the source manually and clean it up.

Ronnie Demler


Feb 25, 2021, 3:34:10 PM Feb 25


Yep I'm doing it manually; just thought I'd mention it!



Mar 12, 2021, 1:30:51 PM Mar 12

to Standard Ebooks



Apr 16, 2021, 3:55:57 PM Apr 16

to Standard Ebooks

Should the modernize spacing (not spelling) steps be done on poetry?

Emma Sweeney


Apr 17, 2021, 11:25:05 PM Apr 17

to Standard Ebooks

No, don't run those on poetry.




Oct 9, 2021, 12:21:50 PM Oct 9

to Standard Ebooks

find-mismatched-diacritics found the following candidates. I checked and they match the scans. I'm guessing leave as-is, but just double-checking




Oct 9, 2021, 1:09:22 PM Oct 9

to Standard Ebooks

I currently have it in a file called note.xhtml, with the following metadata: < section id="note" epub:type="note">

But I'm guessing that's wrong.

Emma Sweeney


Oct 9, 2021, 6:54:46 PM Oct 9

to Standard Ebooks

This does look like a forward. Since it is front matter the file should be renamed forward.xhtml, and the file semantics is changed to <body epub:type="frontmatter">< section id="forward" epub:type="forward">.


Alex Cabal


Oct 9, 2021, 9:29:28 PM Oct 9




Oct 10, 2021, 2:35:30 AM Oct 10

to Standard Ebooks

Various contexts, presumably to give those words two syllables, e.g.

Till came that season, wherein solemn days

Do celebrate the reign on earth begun

Of the most blessèd Child, whenas all ways

Were bound, and all the fields were white with snow.



Oct 10, 2021, 2:42:00 AM Oct 10

to Standard Ebooks

Not sure why the acute accent is used in spoiléd, but that's how it appears in the scan.

Alex Cabal


Oct 11, 2021, 2:40:13 AM Oct 11




Oct 11, 2021, 11:38:37 AM Oct 11

to Standard Ebooks

Will do. Do you know what might be causing this lint errors:

f-015 │ Error         │ a-spring-harvest.xhtml │ Filename doesn't match id attribute of primary <section> or <article>. Hint: id attributes don't include the file extension.

I don't see an id attribute with a file extension



Oct 11, 2021, 12:07:07 PM Oct 11

to Standard Ebooks

Usually each file only has one section and the filename should match the id attribute of that <section> tag. Yours has multiple sections so lint complains. One way to fix this would be to create another section which contains all the other sections with id "a-spring-harvest", but I think that's wrong. My guess is that those sections you have should actually be in their own files but I'm not sure so you should wait for someone else to answer.

On a separate note, some of your files (a-spring-harvest.xhtml, dedication.xhtml, epigraph.xhtml, foreword.xhtml and halftitlepage.xhtml) are marked as executable. Don't know how/why you did that but you can undo it by running this command on each file: chmod -x a-spring-harvest.xhtml

You should also double check your indentation in a-spring-harvest.xhtml. Some of it is a bit off.



Oct 11, 2021, 12:44:58 PM Oct 11

to Standard Ebooks

When you ask about an error, please include the context of the error in your email. The error says the filename doesn't match the id, but we only see the filename; what does the id look like, i.e. the section id line at least, if not the entire header portion of the file? Without context, it's difficult to impossible to determine what is wrong.

In this case, though, the error message is pretty self-explanatory—the id has to match the filename. The filename is a-spring-harvest, so that has to be what the id is. The error implies it's something other than that.



Oct 11, 2021, 2:42:16 PM Oct 11

to Standard Ebooks

Ah, that makes sense. I used <section id="[name]" epub:type="part">  to divide the poems into the three sections, as in the printed book:


I got the idea from another SE poetry book, Robert Frost's New Hampshire. That book has a similar structure, so I used it as a model because I had to do everything manually (but that book conveniently starts with a standalone poem called "New Hampshire" go figure!)

I have no idea why/how those files have that x permission. Good catch; very strange!



Oct 11, 2021, 2:45:04 PM Oct 11

to Standard Ebooks

Vince, here's what's right after the header:

< head >

< title >A Spring Harvest</ title >

< link href="../css/core.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

< link href="../css/local.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

</ head >

< body epub:type="bodymatter z3998:fiction">

< section id="two-legends" epub:type="part"> < h2 epub:type="title">Two Legends</ h2 >



Oct 12, 2021, 12:21:54 AM Oct 12

to Standard Ebooks

Patterning after another poetry collection is a good plan. Does your structure look like New Hampshire?

Is all the text in a single file?

Are the sections structured like it?

Are the poems in your sections structured like the poems in the sections in it? (Not like the standalone "New Hampshire" poem—it doesn't look like from the ToC you posted that you have a standalone.)

Reviewing these sections of the manual might be helpful, i.e. give you the bigger picture of how everything fits together:

  • Section 2.2, XHTML file naming conventions, especially the section on poetry collections.
  • Section 7 High Level Structural Patterns, especially 7.1 Sectioning and 7.2 Headers.



Oct 16, 2021, 2:37:01 PM Oct 16

to Standard Ebooks

I probably spent more time than I should have reviewing the material and comparing with a bunch of other books, etc. but still not clear on what, exactly, is causing the error. I'll need to revisit the issue later.

In the meantime I found a cover image I like:

Emma Sweeney


Oct 16, 2021, 4:29:47 PM Oct 16

to Standard Ebooks

It looks like lint wants you to change the <title> to Two Legends and rename the file as two-legends.xhtml. This is doesn't seem right to me since your file contains more than just the Two Legends "book." It would make more sense to separate each <section> into their own file.


Alex Cabal


Oct 17, 2021, 12:16:27 AM Oct 17


That works, thanks!

On 10/16/21 2:37 AM, rdemler wrote:
> I probably spent more time than I should have reviewing the material and
> comparing with a bunch of other books, etc. but still not clear on what,
> exactly, is causing the error. I'll need to revisit the issue later.
> In the meantime I found a cover image I like:
> On Monday, October 11, 2021 at 10:21:54 AM UTC-7 Vince wrote:
> Patterning after another poetry collection is a good plan. Does your

> structure look like /New Hampshire?/

> Is all the text in a single file?
> Are the sections structured like it?
> Are the poems in your sections structured like the poems in the
> sections in it? (Not like the standalone "New Hampshire" poem—it
> doesn't look like from the ToC you posted that you have a standalone.)
> Reviewing these sections of the manual might be helpful, i.e. give
> you the bigger picture of how everything fits together:

> * Section 2.2, XHTML file naming conventions, especially the
> section on poetry collections.
> * Section 7 High Level Structural Patterns, especially 7.1

> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Standard Ebooks" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to
> <>.
> To view this discussion on the web visit

> <>.



Oct 17, 2021, 12:31:01 AM Oct 17

to Standard Ebooks

What's causing it is that that you don't have an id that matches the filename. Just like the error says.

But why does it work for the other poetry collections? This is where things get complicated…

  • New Hampshire works because there is a poem called New Hampshire, so there is  an id that matches the filename.
  • The other poetry collections (that I looked at, a half-dozen or so) work because they have multiple articles in the body, and the code specifically bypasses instances where there are more than two articles in the body. (The comment says for short-story collections, but the same is true for poetry collections.)
  • But A Spring Harvest doesn't have either; it doesn't have a poem with the name of the book, and it doesn't have multiple articles that are children of the body. The articles are grand children of the body, since they're children of the three sections of the collection. (This is an educated guess; I'm still not up on xpath's syntax. I can confirm that it pulls all the article IDs, which would imply it's not skipping them even though there are far more than two.)

So, Emma's suggestion might be the right one (a file for each section), but I don't know if the lint error is intentional, i.e. should it also be bypassed if the articles are grandchildren?

Alex, what say you? This is a poetry book (A Spring Harvest ) with three main sections, and the poems are in the sections, rather than directly underneath the body. Lint is complaining with an f-015; is having everything in a single file per our other collections not OK here, or does the lint error need to be refined?




Oct 17, 2021, 3:08:08 AM Oct 17

to Standard Ebooks

Thank you Emma and Vince. Yes, with the exception of New Hampshire, I couldn't see why other works weren't producing the same error (this, for example). What you suggest makes sense Vince.

One extra wrinkle: I realized the other day that A Spring Harvest does appear to have two standalone poems, but at the end of the collection (based on the TOC indentation, see here). I feel like the current structure would be the best way to handle that (three parts followed by two articles).



Oct 17, 2021, 3:19:15 AM Oct 17

to Standard Ebooks

Wouldn't you know it; moving the last two poems out of the last section directly into the body seems to prevent the f-015 error. I feel dumb now :-)

I'm still interested in the verdict though! Thanks again everyone



Oct 17, 2021, 3:42:34 AM Oct 17

to Standard Ebooks

I would like some guidance on the following: As I mentioned, the TOC indentation (here) seems to indicate that "The Burial of Sophocles" and "So We Lay Down the Pen" are


included in Part III. But the actual section heading of Part III (here) reads: Last Poems and "The Burial of Sophocles." Should I follow the TOC and leave "The Burial of Sophocles" as a standalone poem, or should I include in in Part III?



Oct 17, 2021, 4:03:08 AM Oct 17

to Standard Ebooks

Right, because now there are two articles that are direct children of the body, which causes the f-015 to be ignored (or rather not generated).

Alex Cabal


Oct 19, 2021, 3:57:37 AM Oct 19


Since this book is divided into parts, you could create three different
files, one for each part. Then each file would have a parent <section>
to contain the part, and <article> children of that section. That would
avoid f-015 because the <section>'s ID attribute would match the filename.

But, don't go into big contortions just to avoid a lint error, if your
actual structure is correct. You can always ignore it with an
se-lint-ignore.xml file.

On 10/16/21 12:30 PM, Vince wrote:
> What's causing it is that that you don't have an id that matches the
> filename. Just like the error says.
> But why does it work for the other poetry collections? This is where
> things get complicated…

> * New Hampshire works because there is a poem called New Hampshire, so
> there /is/ an id that matches the filename.
> * The other poetry collections (that I looked at, a half-dozen or so)

> work because they have multiple articles in the body, and the code
> specifically bypasses instances where there are more than two
> articles in the body. (The comment says for short-story collections,
> but the same is true for poetry collections.)

> * But /A Spring Harvest/ doesn't have either; it doesn't have a poem
> with the name of the book, /and/ it doesn't have multiple articles
> that are children of the body. The articles are /grand/children//of

> the body, since they're children of the three sections of the
> collection. (This is an educated guess; I'm still not up on xpath's
> syntax. I can confirm that it pulls all the article IDs, which would
> imply it's not skipping them even though there are far more than two.)

> So, Emma's suggestion /might/ be the right one (a file for each

> section), but I don't know if the lint error is intentional, i.e. should
> it also be bypassed if the articles are grandchildren?

> Alex, what say you? This is a poetry book (/A Spring Harvest/) with

> three main sections, and the poems are in the sections, rather than
> directly underneath the body. Lint is complaining with an f-015; is
> having everything in a single file per our other collections not OK
> here, or does the lint error need to be refined?

> sections.png
>> On Oct 16, 2021, at 2:37 AM, rdemler <

>> <>> wrote:
>> I probably spent more time than I should have reviewing the material
>> and comparing with a bunch of other books, etc. but still not clear on
>> what, exactly, is causing the error. I'll need to revisit the issue later.
>> In the meantime I found a cover image I like:
>> <>
>> On Monday, October 11, 2021 at 10:21:54 AM UTC-7 Vince wrote:
>> Patterning after another poetry collection is a good plan. Does

>> your structure look like /New Hampshire?/

>> Is all the text in a single file?
>> Are the sections structured like it?
>> Are the poems in your sections structured like the poems in the
>> sections in it? (Not like the standalone "New Hampshire" poem—it
>> doesn't look like from the ToC you posted that you have a standalone.)
>> Reviewing these sections of the manual might be helpful, i.e. give
>> you the bigger picture of how everything fits together:

>> * Section 2.2, XHTML file naming conventions, especially the
>> section on poetry collections.
>> * Section 7 High Level Structural Patterns, especially 7.1

> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Standard Ebooks" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to
> <>.
> To view this discussion on the web visit

> <>.

Alex Cabal


Oct 19, 2021, 3:59:59 AM Oct 19


Let's do what the ToC says. You can remove the "and the burial of
sophocles" from the header since it also doesn't appear in the ToC

On 10/16/21 3:42 PM, rdemler wrote:
> I would like some guidance on the following: As I mentioned, the TOC
> indentation (here

> <>) seems

> to indicate that "The Burial of Sophocles" and "So We Lay Down the Pen"

> are _not_ included in Part III. But the actual section heading of Part
> III (here
> <>) reads:

> Last Poems and "The Burial of Sophocles." Should I follow the TOC and
> leave "The Burial of Sophocles" as a standalone poem, or should I
> include in in Part III?
> On Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 1:19:15 PM UTC-7 rdemler wrote:
> Wouldn't you know it; moving the last two poems out of the last
> section directly into the body seems to prevent the f-015 error. I
> feel dumb now :-)
> I'm still interested in the verdict though! Thanks again everyone
> On Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 1:08:08 PM UTC-7 rdemler wrote:

> Thank you Emma and Vince. Yes, with the exception of /New
> Hampshire/, I couldn't see why other works weren't producing the

> same error (this, for example

> <>).

> What you suggest makes sense Vince.

> One extra wrinkle: I realized the other day that /A Spring
> Harvest/ does appear to have two standalone poems, but at the
> /end /of the collection (based on the TOC indentation, see here
> <>).

> I feel like the current structure would be the best way to
> handle that (three parts followed by two articles).
> On Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 10:31:01 AM UTC-7 Vince wrote:
> What's causing it is that that you don't have an id that
> matches the filename. Just like the error says.
> But why does it work for the other poetry collections? This
> is where things get complicated…

> * New Hampshire works because there is a poem called New
> Hampshire, so there /is/ an id that matches the filename.
> * The other poetry collections (that I looked at, a

> half-dozen or so) work because they have multiple
> articles in the body, and the code specifically bypasses
> instances where there are more than two articles in the
> body. (The comment says for short-story collections, but
> the same is true for poetry collections.)

> * But /A Spring Harvest/ doesn't have either; it doesn't
> have a poem with the name of the book, /and/ it doesn't

> have multiple articles that are children of the body.

> The articles are /grand/children//of the body, since

> they're children of the three sections of the
> collection. (This is an educated guess; I'm still not up
> on xpath's syntax. I can confirm that it pulls all the
> article IDs, which would imply it's not skipping them
> even though there are far more than two.)

> So, Emma's suggestion /might/ be the right one (a file for

> each section), but I don't know if the lint error is
> intentional, i.e. should it also be bypassed if the articles
> are grandchildren?

> Alex, what say you? This is a poetry book (/A Spring
> Harvest/) with three main sections, and the poems are in the

> sections, rather than directly underneath the body. Lint is
> complaining with an f-015; is having everything in a single
> file per our other collections not OK here, or does the lint
> error need to be refined?

> sections.png
>> On Oct 16, 2021, at 2:37 AM, rdemler <> wrote:
>> I probably spent more time than I should have reviewing
>> the material and comparing with a bunch of other books,
>> etc. but still not clear on what, exactly, is causing the
>> error. I'll need to revisit the issue later.
>> In the meantime I found a cover image I like:
>> <>
>> On Monday, October 11, 2021 at 10:21:54 AM UTC-7 Vince wrote:
>> Patterning after another poetry collection is a good

>> plan. Does your structure look like /New Hampshire?/

>> Is all the text in a single file?
>> Are the sections structured like it?
>> Are the poems in your sections structured like the
>> poems in the sections in it? (Not like the standalone
>> "New Hampshire" poem—it doesn't look like from the ToC
>> you posted that you have a standalone.)
>> Reviewing these sections of the manual might be
>> helpful, i.e. give you the bigger picture of how
>> everything fits together:

>> * Section 2.2, XHTML file naming conventions,

>> especially the section on poetry collections.

>> * Section 7 High Level Structural Patterns,

> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Standard Ebooks" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to
> <>.
> To view this discussion on the web visit

> <>.



Oct 20, 2021, 11:45:31 AM Oct 20

to Standard Ebooks

Thank you Alex. Also, I want to see if anyone has a strong preference for either of these covers:


B Keith


Oct 20, 2021, 9:17:38 PM Oct 20

to Standard Ebooks

Are we voting? I like the sense of movement in #2 :-)


Guadeamus igitur iuvenes dum sumus

Thank you Alex. Also, I want to see if anyone has a strong preference for either of these covers:

Alex Cabal


Oct 20, 2021, 10:10:30 PM Oct 20




Oct 20, 2021, 10:11:48 PM Oct 20

to Standard Ebooks

I'm putting my vote in for #1. I like the sense of stillness :) I think the trees fit really nicely in #1.

Matt Chan


Oct 20, 2021, 10:18:58 PM Oct 20


Just throwing it out there that I do have a Gigapixel subscription so if anyone needs their covers *enhanced* just let me know.



Oct 21, 2021, 3:36:11 AM Oct 21

to Standard Ebooks



Oct 21, 2021, 3:38:13 AM Oct 21

to Standard Ebooks

At that size, you're good, no need for GP.

Matt Chan


Oct 21, 2021, 3:40:33 AM Oct 21


GP is just for upscaling mostly; but my subscription also came with their de-noising tool and sharpen tool. Anyway, just so folks know that's a resource they can tap into!

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Geoffrey Bache Smith Poetry Book
